April 8, 2019

Scuba diving in the Andamans with pugmarks holidays

I was always quite spirited about SCUBA diving and have been wanting to do it for the past couple of years. But several unforeseen challenges, mainly rough tides, cancelled tours and flights, completely washed away the slightest chances I had to experience the life underwater. Last year, I resolved to get SCUBA certified, come what … Continued

November 5, 2018

The Island Explorer Program (October 2018)

At the start of the season, about 14 students from an international school in Mumbai visited Chidiyatapu for the Island Explorer program that is jointly run by Lacadives and Reefwatch Marine Conservation. This included a diving segment, which was conducted by Lacadives Einstein talked about reading fairy tales to kids:  For indirect moral lessons. For improving their imaginations. … Continued

August 31, 2020

Into The Blue by Avantika Rungta

It is said that being fearless is not the absence of fear, but rather being brave enough to act in spite of it. I live with a voracious appetite to experience the world. But when 72% of the world is water and I show up with my fear of fish, I realize I hold myself … Continued

July 25, 2019

An Ode to the Nightingales (Galapagos, June 2019)

John Keats wrote of nightingales and their wrenching, ephemeral, haunting music. My nightingales dwell in the deep sea, and they do not sing. They circle, languish in oceanic currents, and, for reasons unknown, congregate in vast numbers off an unassuming nub of volcanic rock in the Pacific, a thousand kilometers from the nearest landmass. Welcome … Continued

June 19, 2019

Coral-ing in the Red Sea (March 2019)

I am what I read, what I see. What I do and experience. I am whom I’m with and who takes me along on these splendid journeys. I am, because bit by bit this fabric of my life begins weaving itself together and I’m about to share with you a bit of that fabric today. … Continued
